‘Red Hands’ is an art book composed of illustrations created with acrylic and soft pastels. The story is based on my personal experiences: a therapeutic book for others who are having hard times in their life.


Red Hands: The Diagram

Red Hands: Trivial Things

Red Hands: Tomorrow

Red Hands: Tearing

Red Hands: Fears

Red Hands: Pulling

Red Hands: Worship

Red Hands: Weight

Red Hands: Dream

Red Hands: Timing


‘Lullaby’ is an art book composed of mixed media illustrations. Sweet, heavy, peculiar or quirky, each piece in the book tells a unique story before falling asleep.


Lullaby: I Just Count Sheep

Lullaby: I Make A To-Do List

Lullaby: I Am One With The Nature

Lullaby: I Recall the Summer Trip With My Granddaughter

Lullaby: Bedtime

Lullaby: I am Too Hyper To Fall Asleep

Lullaby: Am I The Only One Who Can’t Fall Asleep?

Lullaby: I Do My Best To Unwind

Lullaby: Did I Water My Plants?